Karmic Opportunities
August 13, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Practice, Suffering

The good news—so many opportunities to practice.

The bad news—so many opportunities to practice. 

Dave is here helping for the opening here at the retreat centre in Nanango, and he just walked past my room. My patio door is open and I heard him talking with Charles as they crossed the lawn on the other side of the verandah. They were talking about something very different from what I'm writing about but Dave just said, "It's like a minefield." Perfect!

Life often feels like a minefield with so many "opportunities" to practice the teachings. It's good because if we want to improve, we need to practice. It can also be bad because if we aren't mindful and end up carelessly saying or doing the wrong thing (or even just think of it), we'll commit more bad karmas. And plant more seeds for bad consequences. 

If we view our next words and actions as opportunities to be aware, if we can just remember to think first of the possible harm we are so close to doing, we can wisely use the opportunity to practice wisdom. We can let go of our irritations and frustrations, and remember that there is too much suffering in this world. We don't need to add to that of others for when others suffer, we suffer.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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