What are Discriminatory Thoughts?
June 8, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Attachments, Chanting, Discrimination, Pure Land, Rebirth, True Nature

Discriminatory thoughts and attachments are the root cause of why we are still mired in samsara, the cycle of rebirth. Discrimination occurs when we see others and ourselves as two, when we still have ideas of favor­ing and disfavoring, and self and other. With such thoughts, we will help people we like but not those we dislike. This differ­entiation, which arises from our ignorance, results in our automati­cally reacting in a judgmental manner.

When we use discriminatory thoughts, our speech and deeds will be limited. However, when we speak and act from minds and hearts that no longer differenti­ate between others and ourselves, the deeds can be infinite because we will no longer be attached.

Our discriminatory minds are limited. But our true nature is infinite because everything in the universe is one. As we learn in the Flower Adornment Sutra, “One is all, all is one.” When we speak and act from this non-discriminatory mind, the mind of the Buddhas, we are in harmony with the true nature and are one with the uni­verse.

The key to suppressing and eradicat­ing our discrimi­natory thoughts is to chant “Amituofo.” This single-minded chanting is speaking and acting from the non-discriminatory mind. One instant of chanting “Amituofo” puts one in harmony with the true nature and for that instant, we will be one with the Buddhas.

Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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