From Suffering to Compassion
June 29, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Compassion, Suffering

If, when we empathize with the suffering of others, we take in that suffering and feel overwhelmed by it, we may believe our feelings are those of compassion. But taking in the suffering of others will result in our feeling emotionally drained. Our efforts to help will prove ineffective and lead to our feeling disappointment and frustration.

What we don’t yet realize is that we have been reacting with negative energy, not compassion. Compassion is positive energy that results in joy. When we express our compassion, we are able to comfort others, able to help them end their suffering.

So if we are feel suffering at the pain of others, we need to understand that while this is a normal reaction, it is not the ideal reaction and it is not compassion. How can we help others who are in pain if we too become overwhelmed by that pain? They will appreciate we deeply empathize with them, but they will not receive any positive help. And without such help, they will not be any closer to ending their suffering.

Just as we train to not become immersed in our own suffering, we need to do the same with the suffering of other. When we do this, we can progress to feeling compassion. With compassion, we will feel positive energy and will be able to find ways to help others.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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