Why Do You Use a Swastika?
June 25, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Good Fortune, Suffering

Question: I mean no disrespect, but why do Buddhist use the same symbol Hitler used? I see it on statues of the Buddha, in photos of monasteries, as a decoration in books.

Response: The swastika has been a sign of good fortune in Asia for millennia. The Nazis reversed the direction and used it as their symbol. The reversal of the direction is very fitting—they reversed a symbol of goodness into one of hatred. There is no need to apologize; this is a very common question.

For those who have grown up in western cultures, it is helpful to understand that for easterners this is an ancient symbol of goodness, of good fortune. And for those who live in eastern cultures, it is good to know that for westerners, even though the symbol is reversed in Asia, it continues to elicit painful thoughts of the unspeakable suffering that millions of people were forced to endure.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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