No Good Deed
May 29, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Karma and Causality

When we are trying to do what is right, it can often seem that good results do not come our way. As was said in a class recently, “No good deed goes unpunished!”

Why do we do good deeds and receive misfortune when others commit wrongdoings and obtain good fortune? What happened to cause and effect?

We need to remember that while it is true that we will receive good fortune after doing a virtuous deed, that good fortune rarely appears immediately. Why? Because our transgressions are too heavy to be compensated by just one small virtuous deed!

In Buddhism, we often hear of the “three lifetimes.” This refers to the three aspects of a karmic effect. First, good fortune arising from good deeds or suffering arising from misdeeds may occur within the present lifetime. Second, they may occur in the next lifetime. Third, such karmic results may not come about until the third lifetime or they may not show up until after innumerable lifetimes. So, causal actions do give rise to various karmic results, we just cannot be certain when.

Under what circumstances would these karmic results take effect? Good or evil karmic results can only be brought about by the existence of appropriate conditions or circumstances. If the appropriate conditions mature in the present lifetime, the respective karmic result will then manifest itself within the present lifetime. This is the first aspect of a karmic effect.

Similarly, should the appropriate conditions mature in the next lifetime; the karmic effect will manifest itself then: the second aspect of a karmic effect. Should the conditions fail to arise after numerous lifetimes; the karmic cause will remain dormant. Perhaps after the passing of immeasurable eons, the conditions may finally arise and then the karmic result will manifest.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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