Is the Pure Land real
December 23, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Pure Land

Question: Is the Pure Land real? Why do you chant?

Response: The Pure Land exists on two levels. On one level, the Pure Land is a very real land that is far to the west of us. But on the ultimate level of understanding, the Pure Land is already within us. We ordinary beings see everything in terms of duality: pleasant or unpleasant, like or dislike, gain or loss. Buddhas no longer see duality.

They understand that we are all one and that everything outside of us is already within us. “Me” doesn’t exist for “I” am part of everything that is. When my mind focuses solely on Amitabha, I am Amitabha. When it focuses solely on the Pure Land, I am one with the Pure Land. It is already within me.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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