An Image of Amitabha for Someone Who is Dying
November 8, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Death, Pure Land




Question: When someone is dying, is it important to show the person an image of Amitabha Buddha? Where can I get one?

Response: If the person was a Pure Land Buddhist, it is extremely important to have a picture or statue of Amitabha Buddha for them to see and focus on. Normally, the image never goes at the foot of the bed, but when a person is dying it needs to be placed or hung so the practitioner can easily see it. So at the foot of the bed is permissible at this time.

If the person does not have any religious beliefs, but in their final days they learn of the Pure Land teachings and wish to be reborn there, an image can be obtained from a Pure Land practice center. If there is no center close by, an image can be obtained from the Amitabha Buddhist Society of USA or the Amitabha Buddhist Library in Chicago. Also, you might find a society closer to you by checking on the list at Amitbaha Pureland.

But we need to remember that it is exceptionally rare for a person who never knew or practiced the teachings to do so in their final days. For this to happen, they need extraordinarily good roots, causes and conditions. So, it would be wise to take an opportunity to speak with a person when they were still well and not wait till their last moments.

If the person had other beliefs, we need to respect them. This is not the time to try to "convert" someone. Encourage them to go to heaven if that is their wish. Remind them of all the good things they have done in their lives and do what you can to help them die peacefully.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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